
Longrich Products As Solutions

   Watch The Video To See The Profile Of Longrich   Diabetes High Blood Pressure High Blood Pressure or Hypertension:   Hypertension in its simplest terms is an elevated measured pressure in your arteries.  Hypertension is a very common health problem and affects millions of people across the world.  Hypertension does not readily give physical signs and symptoms and is known as the “silent killer”.  There are two forms of Hypertension, Primary/Essential and Secondary Hypertension.  Secondary Hypertension is not as common as Essential Hypertension, but in various cases of secondary hypertension there is a correctable cause.  Secondary hypertension is high blood pressure caused by one of numerous specific conditions.  Your parents, dietary habits such as salt or sodium intake, weight gain, lack of physical exercise, excessive alcohol intake (no more than two mi...